
雅思写作考试主要体型分类为:IDO模式(introduction discussion opinion 即引入观点,正反论证和提出结论),PES模式(phenomenon explanation solutions 即现象描述,解释说明和问题解决)和i...

Sometimes while looking back on the trip, one may find that seemingly the road has always been bumpy and muddy and sadly the driver has been a man most of the time. Some pe...

可能好多T友看到这儿就想关了这页面:又不是这专业的,哪儿背得过来啊!当然不需要你背很多,所有学科的英语都有rarely used vocabulary(罕见单词,例如:“multilateral currency realignmen...

Networking Navigator Networking Navigator 是一个专注于职业社交和人际网络构建的 GPTS,基于用户的职业背景、兴趣和目标,AI 自动推荐适合的潜在联系人,帮助用户快速拓展人脉网络。分析用户的社交平台数据,为用户推荐适合的社交话题和内容,增强与潜在联系人之间的互...

● Improve services ► Foster public service platforms for R&D in seed industry innovation, biological medicine, textile and footwear ● Strengthen empowerment ► Build a stronger digital economy, a more efficient e-government, and a convenient dig...

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